
35 Articles for specific topics on Children Toys

35 Articles for specific topics on Children Toys

I need an article with at least 500 words each. Topics will be related to our Toys products.
Target reader will be parents, So try to understand them.

This is only one of our site. We have another 6 site to work on.


Contents needed in the articles
1) The toys description
2) The toys related history (Example Lego,Pirates etc )
3) Why purchase our products
4) How it will develop the growth of children mind and body
5) Other similar product in our store

We don't want any duplication from any other site.
We will do our own copyscape.

Skills Required

Correct english Best english Studentarticle


have a wonderful day.

i will write an unique 35 articles which will be available 500 words each with toys products.


hello. i am an experienced native writer with a 100% positive rating here. my rate is $7 per 500word article. feel free to contact me for more info.

i will write toy related articles for you.

be rest assured about seo padding . i will also write my content around your description.

be rest assured about 100% originality.

and i will be glad to give you full copyright of the work.


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Article Writing

Other jobs by emi89

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