
Proof Reading 8,000 for grammar, spelling and style

Proof Reading 8,000 for grammar, spelling and style

Proof read a document consisting of about 8,000 words in English and correct any grammatical or spelling mistakes and suggest changes in words used or sentence structure. The seller should be careful when delivering the document as the buyer does not have time to go through the entire content. Only experience sellers can apply.


The seller must have a vast experience in proof reading and has good command of English and should undertake that the task will be completed within the stated time

Skills Required

Writing Financial Knowledge


have a wonderful day.

i will provide and proof 6000 words spelling and grammatical errors.
i will edit the details.


hello, i can proofread the document and i will ensure that its extensively checked for quality and all errors will also be corrected.

i will proof read and correct grammatical errors if any.

hello buyer, i will like to do this task in just 1 day

hello, i can help you with reading your full english document thrice and checking for any spelling mistake or even try to make sentences more better after asking you.


i will edit and proofread 8000 words
i am a line editor: this means i focus on the words, not the topics/ideas. i will check spelling, grammar, and punctuation to ensure your document is flawless regarding these aspects.


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Article Writing

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