
Looking for English native speaker to review grammar and stylistics of my text

Looking for English native speaker to review grammar and stylistics of my text

Hello everybody, I am looking for English native speaker to review grammar and stylistics of my 1000 word text (2 and a half pages) and fix the mistakes. 10 minutes of work, probably. Text should look as written by ENG native speaker. Text is about sports betting, but you don´t need to be expert in this


native English, English grammar

Skills Required

English Grammar Articlesreview Studentarticle


i can edit and correct grammatical errors from your article for only $6. i can deliver it within 24 hours, before the deadline ends. one article with 1000 words, make it grammatical error free. order now. maximum order every 1 day is 1.

i would edit your document and deliver before you know it!

hi there,

i was born and live in england and do have great experience with writing. i can check for any errors in your text and correct them, and i could improve any parts if you would like. i do have the time to complete this and will do the task by the deadline. also, im very happy to do any future work for you. thanks for your time.


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Article Writing

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