
I want you to make a report,blueprint and presentation on human activties on human

I want you to make a report,blueprint and presentation on human activties on human

I want you to make a report,blueprint and presentation on human activities on human
requirements are as follows :-
1)report on effects of human activities on environment(docx or doc)
2)report on effects of human activities on environment(ppt or pptx)
3)I want to make working model on that .So, create blueprint or gives ideas to make it



I want you to make a report,blueprint and presentation on human activities on human
requirements are as follows :-
1)report on effects of human activities on environment(docx or doc)
2)report on effects of human activities on environment(ppt or pptx)
3)I want to make working model on that .So, create blueprint or gives ideas to make it

Skills Required

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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Article Writing

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