
Premium Essays For Microworkers

Premium Essays For Microworkers

Hello I want to get cheetuh approved in microworkers but i need to write a very good essay in order to approve it. I tried 2 times but failed. So anyone here who can write such essays that gets approved? If yes please let me know as soon as possible.


Essay length: minimum 150 words
Topic: Any city of Nepal
Amount: $3 per essay
Payment will be done only if the essay gets approved. The proof of rejection will be sent to you for 100% transparency.

Skills Required



hi there,
i am not familiar with how the said website works but i know i can write great essays worded professionally.
please give me a chance, knowing that i am not guaranteeing you the essays will pass the test.
again, i am not guaranteeing that the essays will get approved.
the reason is that i am not familiar with t

as mentioned for test and price will be higher in the next order ok?

i will provide you 2 essays each with 150+ words before your delivery date. i also understand the meaning of customer satisfaction. so get your requirements in my essay.

i will provide you 2 essays each with 150+ words before your delivery date. i also understand the meaning of customer satisfaction. so get your requirements in my essay.

i am an indonesian professional marketing, seo, and content writer with specific skill in business and financial articles/review. i have many years experience in creating good business content articles in indonesia. several of my portfolios are:

seo for indonesian bahasa sites, by terence t. (
research on

i think they can do the job better than me so i'll just give it to them.

i will submit your article or blog in for $2 in just 40 hoursi
please note: you need to give me your well written article or blog of at least 400 words.

dear sir, i will write essay for you as your requirement.please contact with me.

thank you.

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Article Writing

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