
I need a script that automatically click on a link or button

I need a script that automatically click on a link or button

I need a script that automatically click on a link or button.It should for web.




Skills Required

HTML Javascript


this code will create a simple web page with two buttons: "start" and "stop". when the user clicks the "start" button or presses the spacebar, the auto clicker starts clicking on the first button it finds on the page every second (you can adjust the interval time by changing the value of the


hello , i can make your script of auto click according to you
hello , i can make your script of auto click according to you

automate clicking on links and buttons with ease using our javascript code snippet. simply replace the element's id with the desired link or button id, and our code will programmatically click the element. it's perfect for automating testing or web scraping tasks. just be sure to follow website policies and guidelines before using t

i can provide you with an example javascript code that will click on a link or button on a webpage. here is an example code:

copy code
// find the link or button element
var linkorbutton = document.queryselector(''); // replace '' with the css selector for your link or button



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Bid On Listing Created 2 years ago in Article Translating

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