I'm a professional translator for English? Japanese,Spanish,Arabic,Chinese,French,Korean,Greek,Malay,Romanian,Russian,Turkish language pair with 11+ years experience.Committed to offering English?Japanese,Spanish,Arabic,Chinese,French,Korean,Greek,Malay,Romanian,Russian, Turkish translation service !!!
???????????????????????????????????????????????????2?????????????????????????????????????? {Name omitted} is a leadership coach and organizationdevelopment specialist. {Name omitted} grew up in Surrey, United Kingdom. Then, hemoved to London and received his bachelor’s degree in Finance with honors from
University College London. His first professional experience started in
Switzerland as a business analyst at a top international consulting firm. After
more than 13 years as a consultant, he moved to New York in 2007 to establish
his own business. For more than 10 years, he has partnered with various organizations to overcome complex challenges, explore possibilities forgrowth, and achieve progress towards their most important business goals. His clients cover
a wide range of industries in both public and private sectors. Francis has
coached top performers and executives at more than 50 Fortune 500 companies, as
well as at more than 30 top 100 educational institutions.He is passionate about
building meaningful connections, which inspire innovative ideas, strong
relationships, and new opportunities. During his free time, he enjoys traveling around the world,exploring new restaurants in the city, and practicing meditation. He cherishes
his time with his wife, two sons, and a golden retriever puppy.
article translate correct project information
you can fast order me.
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