Def some great work! I would recommend this service to anyone looking for .govs or .edus!Def some great work! I would recommend this service to anyone looking for .govs or .edus!
Your work is good , but not n my niche, our Niche may be Health, food , and you are used Technical niche, so My work is not 100% complete
I was given you targeted Keyword you are not using any keyword,
JMYour work is good , but not n my niche, our Niche may be Health, food , and you are used Technical niche, so My work is not 100% complete
I was given you targeted Keyword you are not using any keyword,
Maybe your just not reading it well my dear friend...
I have used your keyword but of course not in every single link possible because as per google's new update google doesn't want you to have your keyword/s in every single backlink you get because it looks black hat to google and so it could spam your website!
So when you think about it brother I just did you a favor and I thought perhaps you would know more about S.E.O And be more satisfied but it is what it is my friend I have nowhere
Hope to see you back again soon.
All the best,