
Discussions about if

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Hi, i saw terms in five.r.r that there is possible to withdraw your money after 45 days of blocked account, how it is here? i had one friend and he asked me to ask this, he lost about 100$ !!! I think this is illegal, c...

  • GinnySeo
    GinnySeo Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    Will change the delivery time by editing my gig affect something? I mean if client, customer don't answer me on very important question for almost 1day, and my delivery time is 2days, and he didn't sent his one of my nee...

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 4 12 years ago

    I sold youtube views to someone and i delivered within 3 - 4 days but the buyer never sent feedback. How do i get my money without feedback?

  • bigcasey123
    bigcasey123 Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    Why should I outsource if my employees are doing the job OK?

  • Palooo
    Palooo Level 1
  • 4 13 years ago