
Discussions about Thumbs

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Hello, my lovely Fellows. I am visiting the community section from time to time. And noted something I can't swallow. So, just to share a thought with all of you i.e.: I don't see the Habit of appreciation or Press...

  • Kalganiyans
    Kalganiyans Level 1
  • 4 5 years ago

    Does my gig's positive review count still increase if a member gives me a Thumbs Up, but writes no text in the review?

  • Sean101
    Sean101 Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    I understand what the thumbs up and down mean. But I don't know what the plus or the bar chart mean.

  • Aryadne
    Aryadne Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    What happens in case I deliver the order, and the buyer doesn't leave any feedback, just waits until the order is automatically marked as completed in 8 days? Does that still count as a positive feedback? Because even th...

  • tverc
    tverc Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    Just thought this would be something that Sellers could give to their Buyers once an Order is Completed. This will help instruct Buyers how to Leave you Feedback Properly. Simply Send the the URL to this Post here in t...

  • exjordanary
    exjordanary Level X5
  • 7 13 years ago