
Discussions about Resolution

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Few weeks left before saying goodbye to 2017. We had different experiences, with highs and lows, success and failures, death for some while others welcomed a new baby in the family, a number of lucky ones won the lottery...

  • tiffiecute
    tiffiecute Level 1
  • 108 7 years ago

    As freelancers we try to be competitive and successful, so as to keep up our career. Considering how many freelancers there are online it could be very difficult and demanding to become and remain a successful freelancer...

  • EliteWriter
    EliteWriter Level 2
  • 6 8 years ago

    Well I purchased an item from a seller which was advertised at 2.2M marketing leads but only received around 1.67M and a lot of duplicates. Is it possible to get a partial refund for the items not delivered or will the w...

    2 10 years ago