
Discussions about PAYPAL Page 5

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I already try nine times to withdraw my earnings from seoclerks's balance to my paypal account. But nothing's happened! I've got "failed" status of my withdrawals to paypal! My paypal is zero. My withdraw come back ...

  • hasida
    hasida Level 1
  • 6 10 years ago

    I need know how long to wait if withdraw to Paypal and how long to wait money come to Payza, thanks

    7 10 years ago

    I got an mail from a seller to cancel my order he is not able to help me. So I received a refund, but i cant use it if I wanna buy a service I will be redirected to paypal. I want to use my refund. Can anybody help me?

  • akinci2009
    akinci2009 Level 1
  • 3 10 years ago

    Why my balance is still 0 after deposited? Some instruction mentioned that the deposite is instance, no need to wait, but I've wait more than 10 mins, and refresh the page many times, the balance is still ZERO! I'v...

  • annha
    annha Level 1
  • 4 11 years ago

    I am trying to pay on Seoclerks via Paypal but something is wrong. My connection is fine and I already cleared browser cache; I also tried a different browser but it did not work. I keep getting an Internal Server Error...

  • viewss
    viewss Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    Got refund from seller, how to get back account fund into original account or PayPal or any other? I want to spend the amount here, just looking for cash back. Thank you so much. Description is too short. Please expan...

  • playtime
    playtime Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Can anybody help me. How can I withdraw my money to my Paypal account? I have tried to do that many times, they will tell me it is processing but afterwards, it fails. what could be the problem. and I also want to know i...

    5 11 years ago

    I did a job for 75$. I got 60$ and had to wait 10 days (or 9). After that I want to put it on Paypal but will they take again from the 60$ Because SEOclerks already took 15$. I'm very curious because I'm already waiti...

  • FerhatR
    FerhatR Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Basically need my question answered: "How do I pay for a service using PayPal balance without a credit/debit card?" I currently don't have a card right now so I'm just wondering if it's possible to purchase a service ...

  • Glacial
    Glacial Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    May I/someone else talk about selling without Seoclerks ordering system in Seoclerks Conversations system? Is it breaking Seoclerks Terms of service? And if it is breaking Seoclerks Terms of service, how is it breakin...

  • menachem12
    menachem12 Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    I am new and would like to know how to link paypal.does it do it auto.Anyhow i would appreciate any help also any ideas on services that are easy for beginners would helpI really am enjoying the sight so far and am ready...

  • mikerf
    mikerf Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    I have requested a withdrawal to my paypal account over 30 hours ago and it is stuck in processing. It says paypal withdrawals are supposed to be instant and someone from the help desk told me it would take 24 hours at t...

    4 11 years ago

    Why I can't add funds to balance using Paypal? "Link and confirm your debit or credit card" "This transaction exceeds your remaining sending limit. Please link and confirm a debit or credit card to lift this limit." ...

  • NoraDanish
    NoraDanish Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    If I request a withdrawal from SEOClerks, will SEOClerks pay Paypal fees so that I can receive my money exactly or I have to pay additional $1 for Paypal fees like oDesk Freelance Marketplace? I could lower down my serv...

  • maivutan
    maivutan Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    Hello I'm a reseller, can I send money to my seoclerks account withiut using my account here logged in? For example: I got a customer outside of seoclerks and I charge 100USD, can I tell him ''send money to ionicware ......

  • SeoXpert90
    SeoXpert90 Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    I have never transferred funds to my Paypal before, and I am not to sure about a few things. So my question is: If I sent $10 from my Seoclerks to my Paypal, would there be any fees, because I need exactly $10 in m...

  • AnConnor
    AnConnor Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Hi Seoclerks Experts, I would like to know, if i am withdrawing my earning via paypal method and if i have more than 10 paypal emails. Can i use any email ?? Further is i am using different paypal ids to withdrawal m...

  • Vivadh
    Vivadh Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    I am from bangladesh.I work in seoclerks last few month.It is very helpful to me if i have a paypal account.I want a paypal account.So please advice me hoe i can open a paypal account? and how i can transfer my money in ...

  • irajibul87
    irajibul87 Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    hi guys , my next quesiotn is what is the maximum amount i can withdraw from seoclerks to money gram or western union or paypal etc, i have 120$ balance, can i withdraw 1000$ rapidly if i have 1000$ in my account on seoc...

  • KhadimID
    KhadimID Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    How To use pay pal ppl with out fees?? but im socilal markerter and i have more small business $1-$10 but some time ppl get more profit our payments plz help me get micro payments or low fees options im waiting ur anws...

  • radika33
    radika33 Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    yesterday i delivered 2 small amount order. after few hours of delivery suddenly i got mail from seoclerks that my order has been canceled due to buyer filed a papal dispute. i contact support. support team says i have t...

  • parag4485
    parag4485 Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    Hi , am trying to make a withdrawal and am unable to complete it as it seems there is a limit for the number of times one can make a withdrawal for 31 days. what does 1 withdrawals out of 8 allowed per 31 days mean? does...

    4 11 years ago

    Paypal may be the convenient way to give and receive money online, but every transaction comes with a fee. If you’re dealing with significant amounts of money, then those fees may be disliked. However, all business pay...

  • radika33
    radika33 Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I withdraw money $420 through pay pal about 7 hours ago. But till processing. What's the reason? I am a level 3 seller. It's never happen before. If any seller withdraw over $400 then will it go for under review for proc...

  • seo2012
    seo2012 Level 2
  • 7 12 years ago

    Previously I withdraw about 25 dollars and it was very fast (Instant). I clicked withdraw and when I logged in p a y p a l they were there. But now I withdrawn 160$ and it shows processing withdrawl. How long does it tak...

    7 12 years ago

    Is There is any Best Way for Sending Money From Payza to Paypal Or From Paypal to Payza?? Please Give Me Best Ideas For Transferring Funds From Payza to paypal Or From Paypal To Payza Thanks Have a Nice Day

    10 12 years ago

    Occasionally I am asked about payments by Bitcoin, would SEO clerks consider adding this as a payment option? The payment options appear similar to paypal, exchange rates for bitcoins are stabilizing and the public is be...

  • smoking0cat
    smoking0cat Level 1
  • 4 12 years ago

    Lets think that I have deposited $100 dollars in my seoclerks account and I spent $50 dollars and I don't want to spend another $50. Can I withdraw the remaining $50 using Payza or PayPal. And what is the minimum amou...

    1 12 years ago

    i purchased services on seo clerks and transfered money paypal to seoclerks, now the seller cancelled the order how can i get it back from seo to paypal?????its more than enough funds money i need here in seo services. I...

  • kces08
    kces08 Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago

    How long does it take to be able to take the money from SEOClerks and add the funds to my PayPal after my services have been delivered? So this is one of the main things that I want to know before I keep working on some ...

  • Drogba
    Drogba Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    In order to avoid problems in withdrawing funds, is it necessary that the "dull name" i use in seoclerks match with my paypal account? I think I might have ignored the reminder during signup and I have used a "pen nam...

    6 12 years ago

    Hello friends, I have made a couple of sales on SEO clerks and some of them have finally been reviewed and marked as completed. However, the "withdraw" tap on my sales side is still not active. How long does it take for ...

  • silver254
    silver254 Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    I have been looking at some sites and was impressed with the charges charged to the users. For example to activate a card is just $5 which is incomparable to what is charged here $12.95. The card maintenance is another ...

  • amawriter
    amawriter Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    Is it possible to change my paypal account connected to seoclreks account? if yes how to change the paypal account connected to seoclerks account? is Paypal account and payza account are to be same or we can use diffe...

    11 12 years ago

    what is paypal process to withdrawl tell me in clear ok.. i need in right much time paypal take to withdraw?,tell me that how many days paypal take for withdrawl? when money is reach to my bank account .... t...

    2 12 years ago

    I would like if someone used western union, are charged with money when downloading, because I would in the future than they withdrew money, because when you withdraw money to pay pal then so I could have used to pull th...

  • 4you
    4you Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    Im looking for someone who knows how to make sites along with e-merchant checkouts through paypal and other automated services involving music and mp3's for sale and downloading. Where can i find a developer on seo clerk...

  • mrflash
    mrflash Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    Can anyone tell me how to pay for an order with my SEO balance? When I click on the order button, the page switches directly to the PayPal page without an option to pay with my account balance. Any ideas?

  • ntylers
    ntylers Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago

    I have bought 3 different items from people here, and like they all seem to ignore me its frustrating it is like the? worst customer service ever. One order is already 2 days past due , and the other people don't even a...

  • smilingtimes
    smilingtimes Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    I spent $35 and I now have $35 in my account balance but can't or don't have the option to withdrawl it or put it back onto my PayPal. How do I do this? I don't want to spend the money on site anymore. I just want my m...

  • lllNJKlll
    lllNJKlll Level 1
  • 1 12 years ago