
Answers from user Sino989 Page 2

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hello Just want to know Which is You All time Favorite Movie ? want to know More About Comedy movies (must Watch)

  • TopSEO4you
    TopSEO4you Level 1
  • 20 8 years ago

    Do you believe in UFO's ?. You must have read stories about their sightings, what do you think are they for real?

    21 8 years ago

    I've been a fan player of shoot em ups as much as the next man, from the days of Streets of Rage and Double Dragon in the 80's to Golden Eye, Unreal Tournament and Quake in 90's. I used to play a lot of SOF and CS in the...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 2 8 years ago

    I had a friend build me a PC once. It was awesome. I really enjoyed that. It was fun to come up with my list of specific needs and see him create it from scratch. He was a heavy gamer. It seems like most or all of my fri...

  • bobjoehax3
    bobjoehax3 Level 1
  • 12 8 years ago

    Personally i'm not a "gamer" or let's say addicted too much by games, but yes i like to play a few of them on both platforms, pc and console gaming. If i had to choose between them , i would choose pc gaming. Why? Simply...

  • IntoTheLight
    IntoTheLight Level 1
  • 30 8 years ago

    I am an Enrique fan :cool:

  • pegasoftcorp
    pegasoftcorp Level 1
  • 29 9 years ago