
Questions from user abdullahzahid

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Hello, I mistakenly did force cancel order, i was thinking of doing mutual canceling but got tricked of the layout. I got tricked by Fiver layout and don't know what happens and i just select the middle option and got in...

6 12 years ago

Ok, there was an order. Due to rush, i didn't want to do it. I was thinking to cancel it as mutual agreement. And the already selected option was of force cancel order and i didn't know what happen and i click the sub...

5 12 years ago

How we can bump our gig? I have heard it from Jordan... I bump my gigs by editing it... Is this the way?

8 12 years ago

I wanna ask what are backlinks? Mainly at seoclerk people buy and sell that. Well i don't know them really. How many kinds do they have? I know backlinks are essential to get high page rank. But how many tipes of b...

1 13 years ago