
Discussions about rate

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hello Seoclerks, I'm in big trouble. My response rate is constantly increasing. I give any reply within one hour at most. Why is the response rate still rising and what is the way out of this? Please tell me. -Thank y...

11 5 years ago

How do I know that the lists will be a target market that I want? If i produce dance edm music, and i work with Soundcloud, but want those traffic users to visit my website other than my soundcloud or my youtube or ...

  • pdnaegle
    pdnaegle Level 1
  • 10 8 years ago

    Do you remember to Google Page Rank? Well of course you do! Some people and "SEOs" still use it as a metric even if it hasn't been updated in years. But we aren't going to talk about the dead Google Page Rank score in th...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 14 8 years ago

    I jave been let down, consecutively 3 times. Y 3 different providers. I had place the orders and after the delivery day I received a request to cancel by the seller. With the current rate system that is only possible to ...

  • LiamLeblanc
    LiamLeblanc Level 1
  • 7 8 years ago

    Our is getting popular day by day. So as a result more buyers and sellers coming on it. So admin should take extra care of all their members. Due to more sellers service price is getting more lower. A new...

  • Arian
    Arian Level 1
  • 4 8 years ago

    Increase Readability There was a great discussion about getting people to read your content recently, so check it out. Having content that is unreadable is a bounce rate killer for sure, make sure that when someon...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 5 9 years ago

    Let me get this Google tweet out of the way first. Gary Illyes from Google tweeted this back in 2015: "we don't use analytics/bounce rate in search ranking." And Matt Cutts, the main man for Googles search algorithm, sai...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 6 9 years ago

    How can I rate a seller? I cant find any way to rate this seller that sold me "legit" twitter followers.

    2 11 years ago

    Hello What is the commission rate that Seoclerks takes from sellers ?! Example: If I offer a service for, let's say $10 , how much of them will I get, and how much Seoclerks will get? Thanks in advance

  • yasar5985
    yasar5985 Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    How can I improve a site having high bounce rate? Current bounce rate is 70%.

  • Enter
    Enter Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    How can I improve a bounce rate of 50 percent? Can this affect my rankings?

  • SeekFreebies
    SeekFreebies Level 1
  • 4 12 years ago

    Is the Bounce Rate have any effect on SEO and site rankings?

    4 13 years ago

    How can we prevent high bounce rate? What do I need to do?

  • captzero
    captzero Level 1
  • 2 13 years ago

    Is it possible for a website to have 1% bounce rate?

  • SEONewBoy
    SEONewBoy Level 1
  • 2 13 years ago

    Do search engines use bounce rate in ranking our web sites?

  • captzero
    captzero Level 1
  • 6 13 years ago

    How can a webmaster prevent high bounce rates? What are the things needed to be done?

  • captzero
    captzero Level 1
  • 4 13 years ago

    How much time needed for a bounce to be counted? 10 seconds? 1 minute?

  • captzero
    captzero Level 1
  • 1 13 years ago

    Hi, I've really interesting question for all seoclerks users & admin. When I was buying a gig from seoclerks user and her expected time rate is 1 days & they didn't completed my work within time period then WHAT ...

  • cyberxcrime
    cyberxcrime Level X3
  • 12 13 years ago

    Just wondering. Perhaps their good clients, but likely it is otherwise. It makes other sellers with 'real clients' much harder to be seen within that filter group. (By rating) Looking at some of the top rated Gigs, yo...

  • link
    link Level 1
  • 4 13 years ago

    I have a bouce rate of about 50% - my blog is still new though, and I don't really have multiple pages...Is the bounce rate still a valid way to check site activity? Would users going from one post to another reduce b...

  • Steve
    Steve Level 1
  • 5 13 years ago

    Hi : In seoclerks we have only rate for sellers. Why their are no rate for buyer , so we could know buyer history? Do you agree with me?

  • bahlawi89
    bahlawi89 Level 1
  • 26 13 years ago

    What are some effective ways to reduce your bounce rate on a website?

  • angie828
    angie828 Level X3
  • 9 13 years ago

    What is a good click through rate? I read that on average they are 1% but that does not seem like that much.

  • angie828
    angie828 Level X3
  • 8 13 years ago

    Please explain me here a bit in detail about bounce rate..? Thanx!

  • fizzer
    fizzer Level 1
  • 6 13 years ago

    I am planning to raise my rate for the next project. Will I be violating a rule if I edit my Gig rate after I get 5 star ratings?

  • seoguy
    seoguy Level 1
  • 8 14 years ago

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