
Do you have insurance as a freelancer?

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Do you have insurance as a freelancer?

If you freelance, you run the risk of getting sued (even using marketplaces). I have an Umbrella policy which covers up to $1,000,000 in a law suit. It is cheap, only $26 a month which I pay in full for the year which provides a discount. Not only does it cover my freelance work, it covers everything personal such as my home (IE: someone fell at my house and attempted to sue and homeowners insurance wouldn't cover it).

Do you have personal insurance? Do you think personal insurance as a freelancer is needed?


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This is an interesting question. I have never actually thought about this. $26 a month seems very cheap consider it covers quite a few things. Personally, I don’t have personal insurance. The chances of getting into a lawsuit is pretty small although not impossible. Therefore, I don’t think it is necessary to buy insurance for a low risk event like this. Insurance companies are still running today because they make profit which means they earn more than they pay out. They can use probability to earn money but we can use probability to save money. Using this theory, I only buy insurance for high risk events or if the price is very cheap. However, if the personal insurance includes more than just a lawsuit and is cheap, I would go for it to protect myself. Building savings is also another good way to protect yourself when something goes wrong.

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America is the land of lawsuits. You can get sued for anything, haha. This umbrella policy covers just about everything that isn't covered by other insurance types. Even though I bought it primarily for my freelance work, it would cover, for example, a car crash where I was at fault and the car insurance was maxed out or refused to pay it. They will also go to court for you, sending their own lawyers to fight your case.

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I never actually thought about it. It is good to feel protected yet as a general rule of thumb I do not fancy insurances that much. I used to check out what policies cover and they did not seem that beneficial to me. As MasterA pointed out, these companies are still in business because they are making money from people who feel the need to be protected, but generally speaking that protection does not come into effect. You may be thankful for that of course, but I agree with him that with some good savings you can still feel quite protected should something go wrong.

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I have never thought about this in this way before.. Obviously an insurance would be a great security or safety-net but I live in Sweden and I really don't think it's needed here. Not in this country. America on the other hand, as already pointed out by robertman11, is the land of lawsuits. I would probably never do anything online at all without an insurance if I lived there. I've heard many creepy and insane stories about people who is getting sued for spitting on the ground etc. In Sweden, we have a law that says "don't pee in public" and if you do, and you're caught. Then you'll have to pay a fine of about $85.. It's a bit different here.

Best Regards,

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Hi firstly sorry to say as a freelancer I have no insurance yet. But I understand value of insurance not only as freelancer but also as a aware person for your future assurance an insurance very importance for your life. And I get it my knowledge now and very soon I will do an insurance. I think health insurance very importance as a freelancer and it may covered if anything disable in further by any cases. And I believe everybody should do it. Though in our country this matter very backend and nobody insist on insurance value. Though personally I feel this is very importance not only as freelancer.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I always ask the insurance companies in my country the reason there are no insurance packages for freelancers in Nigeria. I mean someone like me needs such a backup for cases of uncertainty in the future. I am looking forward to seeing its introduction in n=Nigeira in no distant time.

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Well I live in Southeast Asia and I don't think anyone can sue me here haha. I don't have an insurance to cover my freelancing career but I do have life insurance and healthcare.

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I do have a fully paid life insurance policy and healthcare / hospitalization insurance that I bought a decade ago. But I really don't have freelancers insurance, it's the first time I've heard of it.

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Thank you for posting this topic of insurance because it is important for a person especially the seniors to have some kind of insurance whether medical, hospitalization or even life insurance. Right now I have an insurance provided by our office but when I retire from my job I know that I have to consider taking an insurance policy and pay it myself. I just hope that I will have enough to pay the charges.

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