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If you've purchased and ordered a service here on SEOClerks and are pleased with the sellers work well then firstly, congrats! But you may want to leave them a positive recommendation for their work they've done for you but not know how to do that. So here I will show you!
You can also leave a buyer a positive recommendation as well. If you're a seller and you have had a good experience with a buyer, you may want to leave them a positive recommendation to let people know what you thought of working with them and for them.
To do that is quite easy! All you need to do is click on their name to open their profile page. Then click on the "Recommendations" link in the left hand sidebar underneath where it says "User Details". This will open up the Leave a Recommendation page with a form to fill in.
For instance, if you wanted to leave me a positive recommendation either as a buyer of my services or as a seller that has done some work for me, you'd just have to click on my name to open up my profile, then click the "Recommendations" link to open the Leave a Recommendation page.
Here you will be able to leave your positive recommendation in the field provided.
Some things to note, which are already noted on the Recommendations page, is that this is only for leaving a positive recommendation, you cannot leave a negative recommendation here. If you have had a negative experience, then you are to leave your rating in the order you purchased. You can only leave one recommendation per buyer or seller as well and only be able to do so if you were a buyer of their services or sold them a service of your own, so use it wisely!
Also your recommendation must be at least 30 words minimum. You can say everything you need to say with 30 words but you can say more as well if you want. But just remember to keep it short n' sweet. Mention why you are leaving a positive recommendation for that person and what your experience was with them. No need to write an essay here. Just cover the basics and leave your recommendation and that's it!
I think I've covered everything here. This might seem very obvious to some people who have lots of experience here, but it might not seem so for others so this should help.
One last thing worth mentioning here, you can't leave a positive recommendation for someone if you've never done any work for them or not had work done by them. And don't leave a recommendation for someone just to get one back yourself, it doesn't work like that! You can always ask people such as your buyer or your seller to leave you a positive recommendation if you've done work for them or had work done by them. But it's up to people if they want to do that or not so don't push people into doing it!
Provided you provide a great service to someone, or you are an excellent client for a seller, you can ask for a recommendation by all means but don't push it!
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