
How to Contact the Seller ??

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How to Contact the Seller ??

How to Contact the Seller ??

their is no option to send the message as i can see inbox option at top but no button on seller page

How to Contact the Seller ??

their is no option to send the message as i can see inbox option at top but no button on seller page

so hoow can i send the message to directly to seller and talk with the details or any query which i having

so hoow can i send the message to directly to seller and talk with the details or any query which i having


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1. Make sure you are logged in
2. Use the search (Top right of page) and input the members name, press search.
3. The members profile or service will appear. (If it is their services click on their name/link)
4. At the top of the left hand side of the page you will see the contact link --- see image below
How to Contact the Seller ??


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Ya, you just click the ID member such as "dennyfar" and you click on the "Contact" text link under ID member like the picture above. After that you click on "Compose New" . Then you can sell mail to the seller/buyer

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you can find a seller by searching here. And then click the ID member such as "dennyfar" and you click on the "Contact" text link under ID member like the picture above. After that you click on "Compose New" . Then you can sell mail to the seller/buyer

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