
Cant Withdraw Full Balance

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Cant Withdraw Full Balance

I currently have $20.80 in my SEOClerks balance, but when i click "Withdraw Your Earnings", it says i can only withdraw $16.80. Why is this?


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You probably have 3.00 in your balance from the twitter promotion, coupons or a refunded order.

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Twitter promotion & Refunded Order Can't withdraw. You must spend this money to buy gig.

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How do i spend the Refunded money with spending my money that i withdar? If i spend my account cash, which will be spent first? (Earned Cash or Refunded Cash)

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Non-Withdraw balance is spent first.

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You couldn't withdraw the whole amount because your account must be credited either with $3 for twitter promotion or refunded order that you can use to purchase a gig.

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read this

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the rest money are from coupon

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i think you must spend that money for buy gigs

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can withdraw after clearing funds

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This is not a big Problem just ask Seoclerks support , they are the best in there service.

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yes you can withdraw full balance until you any orders cancelled

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