
How to get seller to respond?

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How to get seller to respond?

This seller, TechnoTusker, is not responding and order not delivered also until now. Anyone encountered this before also?. It has been over 12hrs already. Have direct inbox the buyer a few times but still not getting any reply. Anyone to advise how to deal with this? or resolve this issue? Please assist.


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You can ask the seller beforehand to have the service completed as soon as possible. All sellers have an expected delivery date, and if they don't have their order completed on time, you can request a mutual cancelation, after which will cancel the order automatically in 2 days if they don't take any action. You can also leave negative feedback, and even report the transaction with the report tab if it takes excessively too much time.

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You should certainly contact the buyer, If he is not responding intentionally then there is a way to cancel the order mutually. This will not ruin your business relation with that seller. 

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You can ask the seller beforehand to have the service completed as soon as possible. All sellers have an expected delivery date, and if they don't have their order completed on time, you can request a mutual cancelation, after which will cancel the order automatically in 2 days if they don't take any action. You can also leave negative feedback, and even report the transaction with the report tab if it takes excessively too much time.

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