
I am stuck in level 1?

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I am stuck in level 1?

Hi, i have a problem, I was level 3 seller on SEOClerks but I was inactive for a while and I was automatically sent back to level 1, i can't go back for a long time becouse my response time is 16 days, the thing is that I dont receive any messages to response them, and in my manage sales page I received only 1 message and I saw the message and responded after 30 minutes. What am I supposed to do to go back to level 3 if I dont get any messages at all. Thanks.

Best Regards
Hovik Aleqyan


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One of level 3 requirement:
Login Very Often (once per 7 days)

Maybe you get inactive too long. So seoclerks's system automatically downgrade your level
Try to login everyday, even you don't have order

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Hey, I finally have a solution for your Level problem! Your first withdraw must be older then 20 days.
Just go to your balance and withdraw your money. Wait 20 days and then see that you are in Level 2.
I hope this helped you out!
If you want more informations then please check this site:

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Hi, my first withdrawal was more than a year ago, and I was a level 3 seller, I just got back to level 1 because of my response time, thank you for responding. The problem is solved now.

Best Regards
Hovik Aleqyan

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First of congratulation .  Respond  time is very important to make a good seller. Some days ago my friend also face same problem. So be carefully next time.  All the best

Thanks & Regards

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Completed/Purchased/Affiliated 10 Orders on time
SBA Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
SBA Your email must be verified
SBA Login Often (once per 14 days)
SBA Account is at least 7 days old
SBA First Completed Sale/Purchase/Affiliate Sale is at least 30 days old
SB Have a 90% rating or higher
S Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
S 72 Hour or less response time

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For increase Your level You should follow this ruls:
    Completed 10 Orders on time
    Have a 90% rating or higher
    Answered or asked 20 SEO Questions in the FAQ thdh
    Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
    Login Often (once per 14 days)
    Account is at least 7 days
    Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
    First Completed Sale is at least 30 days old.

For more you click this link  

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