
How can I post a website page in many top facebook pages?

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How can I post a website page in many top facebook pages?

how can i submit and delivered a website page in many facebook fan page? please inform me . submit and delivered


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copy your website links and paste facebook status box and post now

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Are you talking about having the web page embedded or are you just wanting hot links? please Verify, there are multiple ways of doing this..

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The question is not very clear although what I understand is that the Facebook Page is wanting to be promoted in other Facebook Pages. That is very possible since all you need is to copy the link of your Facebook Page and post it to another Facebook Page as a way of promotion. However you cannot just do that because that is clearly spamming. You have to be creative in doing the promotional posts of your Facebook Page. The best move is to promote it first on your timeline.

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Just hit the Facebook icon when you are on one of your Gig's page.
This will open a window prompting you to login and post the website page to your link and generate sales for you! As well, this brings publicity to seoclerks helping both the website, and really everyone else. Some of the people you attract may even have something to offer on seoclerks themselves!

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simply than ever. just post to timeline pages and you are done !

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they are application that can post you anything to all your pages with one click ^^

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If you have the intention to spam Facebook pages in advertising your website, think again because you may be reported. The neatest way to post in Facebook fan pages is to be a follower of the page and you have to be active so your presence is established. I know it is not easy because it will take a long time before you can establish your presence. But once you have done that, you can post your backlink and your post will not only be respected but you will surely get some reactions.

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