
does bumping service really works or helpful??

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does bumping service really works or helpful??

does bumping service really works or helpful??
Is it helpful for getting sales??
Whixh is best network for bumping??
Will it affect my service or will it improve my sales??
Please let me know bout it
I need to know about it urgently
I want bump my service but not sure whether to do it or not??


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I believe that bumping your services really does help, as it puts your service higher up in the category that it's in. It may not necessarily guarantee that you gain more orders, but because it doesn't cost you any money to bump, then it's not a bad idea to bump your services.

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Hi cutechinky,

Bumping is most definitely worth it and considering it literally takes no more than a few seconds it's even more well worth it. I bump as many Services as I possibly can every single day to ensure the most sales.

Bumping brings your Services to the front which means more exposure which in turn can only mean more chance of more sales, it's simple straight forward logic that should not be ignored.


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As Jaredseven has said, bumping it does help as it moves your service to the first page under all the sticked and pinned services that members have paid to have there but it still helps get your service some more notoriety and possibly get you more requests but that is not a guarantee.

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Yes.Bumbing service really  works or helpful because when you bumb your service your service shown to be first page.
When your service shown to first page many buyer show that.
By seeing your service they order you.
So bumbing service is really helpful.

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It really does as it (BRING UP MY POST)  and make it seen i have done it to a few of my own services and get sales right after you just have to know the right time to target customers

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Bumping your service does helps really because when you bump your service your service is on the main page of Seoclerks.So,there are maximum chance that some potential buyer may notice your service and you may get your order as well.

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Of course it helps. First off you're getting bumped to the frontpage of SEOClerks, and you're also being bumped to the top of the service section your service resides in, this will increase noticeability that could lead to buyers.

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Well ask yourself why not do the bump?...especially when it costs you nothing. No, additional orders won't be guaranteed to you by doing so, but it is all about marketing & promoting your service as much as possible - and bumping your service regular helps you do this and gain more exposure!

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To Bump or Not to Bump, that is the question does bumping service really works or helpful??
Well, from my experience i get most orders when the gig is on top of the 1st page of the search results.
It's like a quick SEO magic button. 1 Click for PR1 does bumping service really works or helpful??

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