
How Highlighting the service in Seocleks helps in Sells?

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How Highlighting the service in Seocleks helps in Sells?

I am aware of the Highlighting services of Seoclerks. I can get service highlighted by seoclerks team after paying certain amount of Fee.
But i would like to know how highlighting going to help me in Sells.
I do not do much of bumping of services? Will i still get good orders?


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Hey Vivadh,
The information you are asking about can be found on the service you're talking about. Here's some brief info:

How this Works
Those that have purchased will be elevated into a highlight status mode. Your service will always contain a light-gray background and a bottom border that is different from other services in all listings on SEOClerks. This will ensure that your service is spotted

Why would I order this?
  • More Exposure - More people will see your service
  • Increased Sales - Having more people see your service means more people will order it.

Besides that, I really recommend that you start bumping your services since that's the best free way of gaining more exposure. You want people to see your services. You need exposure. That's how you'll make more sales.


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Highlighting your service will give your service a better chance of being noticed, as it makes it stand out more. This helps sells services because users are more likely to notice your service if it stands out from the rest of the group.

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Well, if speaking about the 19$ highlighting, it's just a yellow bar on the gig title.
It definetely stands out the gig in front of others, but it would be a great addition to the highlighting if the gig would also stick on the top of the page.
I mean you will still have to bump the service every day. 

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