
What do you think about SEO Skills?

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What do you think about SEO Skills?

The only thing I knew about SEO is Search Engine Optimization.Many times my client ask me what is seo skills you have.If you have seo skills,How you get that?
Are there any programming languages/tools to achieve those Skills?
I am confused about seo skill,How can i improve my seo skills?


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Anything connected with search engines including social account or website promotion can be called SEO Skills, so even if you are selling twitter followers or re-tweets you may call it SEO Skill.

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What kind of skills do search engine optimizers need to succeed in today’s marketplace? Should SEOs be siloed into doing just SEO and close themselves out from other marketing skills? Or should the new kind of SEO should be jack of all trades and also the master of all trades?

The modern day SEO should be an integrated SEO digital marketer – one who knows about on-page SEO and other integrated tactics. 

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SEO is a technique to make your website/content visible on search engines. The SEO aims at improving search engine ranks, generating organic traffic and driving sales. When proper SEO is done, your website will appear in the top search results on the given keywords.
SEO can be very complicated, however, it can also be simplified by categorizing into three categories.
On-page SEO
Off Page SEO
Technical SEO
On-page SEO is done by adding keywords on the title of the content, content description and content body
Off-page SEO is done by building backlinks
technical SEO is related to site design and site loading speed.

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I was also confused on the first time that I read the entire discussion about SEO. The meaning is easy to memorize but the details of SEO is not easy to understand. Right now I can say that I know the on-page SEO which is the uploading of good contents and tagging it with the right keyword when uploading. You can also build backlinks by posting the link of your site on another website.

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