
More than 50 sells and still in LEVEL 1?

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More than 50 sells and still in LEVEL 1?

Well so I have more than 50 sales and Im still in level 1 , I have 22 thumbs up and just 1 negative review.

95% of the time or more , I deliver my things on time .

I do not really understand why?

Im missing this the "Answered or asked 20 SEO Questions in the FAQ" . can it be 10 Answered questions and 10 ASKED questions is that ok ?



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To become level 2, your first sale made must be 30 days old, account must be 7 days old and your first withdraw must be 20 days old. You also have to make sure that you have 0 infractions. To know more about the level requirements, click on the link below.

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Hi Geek,

They're known as requirements for a reason, they're required More than 50 sells and still in LEVEL 1? You cannot just have some of them and expect the rest not to matter. The FAQ requirement is a combined total of 20. 10 of each time for example would be fine.

Everything you will ever need to know about User Levels can be found here:


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Hi Geek, if you do not leveling up within 20 minutes it means you have not met all the requirements because all upgrades to user levels are automatic!  Please check out all requirements for level 2 here :

Be sure that you 1 payment withdrawal that is 20 days old and your first completed sale is at least 30 days old...
Also Answering or ask SEO Questions in the FAQ is important! 

Great Regards,

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Yes you can make this question and answers segment and you have also withdraw a amount that is minimum 20 days old. For more deatails you just follow the links

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To promote you don't only have to complete sales. Also you have to ask or answer questions to forum like that.
For more detailed info go to :


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