
Autoresponders and Automated sales on SEOClerks?

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Autoresponders and Automated sales on SEOClerks?

I see SEOClerks as a great platform to sell various stuff
It's like the Amazon of SEO products
However, when you buy a book on Amazon the author of the book doesn't need to think about conversations, shipment, etc.
Hence the question, is it possible to setup some Autoresponders and close sales Automatically for existing products that are available for immediate usage?


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Hi IMTools,

Once level 2 you're able to create Instant Download Services which act similar to what you mentinoned. When one of those is ordered it will automatically delivery the work with the files but you're not able to set specific text that'll be sent like an autorespnder.


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imtools ..  yes seoclerks has the system as u want for some products . where you need not to be online to deliver your services. . like if you are selling softwares and ebooks in seoclerks. Further in level 2 and 3 , you can create services for instant download .. so that makes your sells automated. 
hope i helped you with your question 

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