
What is the web site rangking?

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What is the web site rangking?

I am a permanent seller of seo clerks.I want know the rang king of web site. Because i do not this.I want know what is this?. Please help me soon. I will be so proud on him who will help me.So you can answer me any time.thank you evry body .


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Every website have a rankings in this world. Like 0 to 10. A website get rank after 90 days by depends on traffic. Google rank the website in this world by their own topology where page rank 1 means low and page rank 10 means a website have huge and huge traffic rank.


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If you mean by website ranking is the page rank in Google then it was clearly explained above by @centurion. But with the ranking of the site in the search list, that is a different story. The ranking in the search list depends on the algorithm of the search engine and also affected by the SEO methods that have been employed on the site. The higher the ranking of your site’s link on the search list then the better for the site in getting traffic.

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