
SEO for your Facebook Fan Page?

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SEO for your Facebook Fan Page?

What methods do you use to do SEO for your Facebook Fan Page? I already have it linked from my website and it shows up in the SERPs. I'd like for it to show up higher though (currently #10).

I thought about building links to it (with Ultimate Demon) and using other sources of social bookmarking like Tweets and Tumbls. Anyone done this and effectively raised the ranking of your fan page for a keyword?


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Yes, I have done Facebook Page SEO and its very easy. As Google consider Facebook as authority site and rank them very high. For a less competitive keywords you will be able to rank your page with social bookmarking. After social bookmarking you can do web 2.0 links.

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I didn’t know that you can do SEO work for a Facebook fan page. And I agree with some comments that you promote it the way you promote your website. How about using your Twitter account to tell the world about your fan page? You can also check on forums that have similar or related niche to your fan page and promote there. A blog is also a good place to post the backlink of your fan page.

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