
i can't get to level 2, why?

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i can't get to level 2, why?

Helloo ... i'm pretty excited when i'm about to get to level 2..
but i have 3 question.. please help..

1st :
i have 1 infaction,
but it has expired on dec 31 2012 , can i still leveling up?

2nd :
i have cleared 10 orders..
but the last one still on status "delivered"...
do i need to wait this to "Clearing" / "cleared" / "to Balance" ?? before leveling up..

3rd :
What's a good service i can do, for 1$ service?? any idea?

i'll follow people with the best answer.. i can


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Hi ashpare, I just leveled up and I have to say in a very fast look, did you complete 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old? If not, you have to wait! Also don't forget that your first completed sale must be at least 30 days old! Not sure about infaction, sorry!
1$ service, I recommend you to check out services by other sellers and try to create something different, what is your benefit, what are you good in?
 I hope I could help in some way,
Thank you and Great Regards,

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Hi ashspare,

1) Expired infractions do not effect you when it comes to your User Level.

2) As per the requirement stated on the User Level you must have 10 Completed orders.

Any other information you'll ever need regarding User Levels can be found here:


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Since the infraction expired then it is not the issue. Make sure you have answered/asked at least 20 questions or answers. Also make sure you have delivered 10 orders on time. Delayed orders will not be counted.
Also check the date of your last withdrawal. 
Check all the requirements here:

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