
Can i get free money for manytime?

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Can i get free money for manytime?

I get free twitter money for one time from one account.Can i get for next time from other twitter account.I don't know about this.If anyoe get this please tell me about this.I want to get more money from the seoclerks.If anyone get free twitter money for manytime from many account please infome me.Thank you,


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Hi Redoy94,

The Free Money prmom is valid 1 per person, not 1 per any kind of account. It would be abused far too much if it was opened up to per twitter account.


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I think only one account per user is allowed, not sure though you should check the rules on that page as I am sure they are explained in detail Can i get free money for manytime?

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Free money promo. is only valid for 1 person and as i know 1 person can have only 1 account at SEOClerks, creating another account for getting free money results in ban.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Thank You For Your you can get free money only one time from one account and you can use this $2 only in shopping.if any one create multeple accounts for this free money then he must be banned parmanently

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