Level 1
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hallo, i am up to level 2, i sine up to three month ago. i know that 4 level in the seo clerks.1st level,2nd level, 3rd level and x level.i don't know x level pasality and rules.so give me x level rules and regulation.thank you my question answer.every body thanks.
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Level X users are manually selected by staff, you can't get level X automatically by completing orders!
Here are few tips if you want to be Level X member:
- Sunil Bishnoi Check this page if you want to know about user level - [b][url=https://www.seoclerks.com/userlevels/]?User Levels[/url][/b] Level X users are manually selected by staff, you can't get level X automatically by completing orders! Here are few tips if you want to be Level X member: [list=1][*]Help other - Use FAQ page[/*][*]Be active - Forum is a good place to learn and tech[/*][*]Be polite - Friendly behavior[/*][*]Report bad things - Spam software's, copyrighted scripts etc.[/*][/list] [b]- [u]Sunil Bishnoi[/u][/b]
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