
you are up to x level but why?give me x level pasality.

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you are up to x level but why?give me x level pasality.

hallo, i am up to level 2, i sine up to three month ago. i know that 4 level in the seo clerks.1st level,2nd level, 3rd level and x level.i don't know x level pasality and give me x level rules and regulation.thank you my question answer.every body thanks.


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Check this page if you want to know about user level - ?User Levels

Level X users are manually selected by staff, you can't get level X automatically by completing orders!

Here are few tips if you want to be Level X member:
  1. Help other - Use FAQ page
  2. Be active - Forum is a good place to learn and tech
  3. Be polite - Friendly behavior
  4. Report bad things - Spam software's, copyrighted scripts etc.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Hi raha,

Level X are manually selected by staff members for all differnet sorts of reasons. Sale numbers and other automaticially calculated things are not important when it comes to Level X, you must make yourself standout and really prove yourself deserving.


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Hello raha, 
I just wanted to mention one thing, I actually not agree with WonderHostResel about submitting tickets. 
Have a look on User Levels page:
Must be Level 3
Must get noticed by Staff (emails and lame support tickets only annoy us)"
I think following suggestions by Karoshio and sunil0021 is the best, cause they are already levelX you  are up to  x level but why?give me x level pasality.
Thank you,
Great Regards,

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Level X are manually selected by staff members for all differnet sorts of reasons. Sale numbers and other automaticially calculated things are not important when it comes to Level X,
you must make yourself standout and really prove yourself deserving.


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Staff select the xlevel people you need to post in the forum or contact them in their support ticket system to get your package tested and  if its works good and is on time than you should get x level you  are up to  x level but why?give me x level pasality.

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