
Calculating Conversion rates, do I REALLY need that much traffic?

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Calculating Conversion rates, do I REALLY need that much traffic?

Ok, so I have a review based blog which leads out to a free trial of a product. Customer enters CC gets free trial etc. My goal was initially to make 3 sales per day from this blog. But when you start breaking down the theoretical math, to make 3 sales a day it seems like i would need RIDICULOUS traffic just to make 3 sales a day. For example:

10% click through review to product website (estimate based on keywords for the product), 10% convert on LP(based on advertisers stats).

So if 10% clicks through, that is 10 out of 100 visitors. Then you have 10% of that which will make a purchase which brings it down to 1 sale per 100 visitors. Now if I want 3 sales per day (hoping no refunds occur), I would need 300 uniques a day, or roughly 9,000 uniques a month. Do these numbers seem right? It seems like grabbing 10k uniques a month for a niche product seems extreme.

Any thoughts on anyone who has done a review blog before?


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Getting more traffic irregardless of the conversion rate is always a good thing. Well all things aside, it's better than not having or getting a little traffic right? The thing is if you're getting a lot of traffic but few conversions then try doubling the traffic to double your conversions. Another thing you could do is to map your conversions and concentrate on the platform your conversions are coming from.

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If I were you, I'll find out where your conversions are coming from as well as the traffic your getting and redirect your efforts to those sites that are bringing in conversions. A realignment of your target market is also needed.

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