
Any fee or the rate of profit share?

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Any fee or the rate of profit share?

Hello, I am just in here for a week, bought some services, and I want to provide my service to create video too.

I could not find out any information about any cost, fee, or the rate of profit sharing if I can sell a service. For example, if I create a service for $20, and someone buys it and pays $20, any deduction of that?

Also, may I know how to search in the FAQ? I only can see the search bar at the top, but it only gives me the result of what services are selling, but not the answer I can find. Please excuse me if I miss something.

Thank you.


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Hi, in a previous thread, someone has asked the same question. Refer back to this thread, it gives you detailed explanation on what the commission fee is.

As for navigation through the FAQ section, I have wondered the same thing since they've updated the site. However, I usually use Google, searching SEOClerks and then the question. It's always the first links that show the questions you're wanting answered.

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Oh, I read another post, it said 20% as the charge, so it should be 80% for the seller. Which means that if the service is priced at $20, the seller will receieve $16.

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Well the thing is Seoclerks charges 20% of the money on every sales of your service. So if you put your gig of 5$ then you will get 80% of 5$,  that means you will get 4$.

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When you sell a service at seoclerks 20% goes to seoclerks while all remaining 80% is for you.As for the FAQ section i don't think its necessary to have search bar for that,you can just manually search by your self for relevant question

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Seoclerks charges 20% of the money on every sales of your service. For the first time you can't create a service below $5. And,  if your service is worth of $5 then you will get 80% of $5. That is you will get $4.

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Oh, I read another post, it said 20% as the charge, so it should be 80% for the seller. Which means that if the service is priced at $20, the seller will receieve $16.
thank you

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yes bro 
you are right 
there is a site commission in your money also.
you will be able into 80 percent of the money 
and the site commission is about 20 percent
moreover you can read in seo clerks all about website.

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