
what to do if worker dont reply ?

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what to do if worker dont reply ?

Hello friend,
i have hired someone for Facebook likes and paid him $35 but now he don't reply me, even he is online i sent him message many time.
His delivery date is 5 September. Now if he don't deliver work till this time will project automatic canceled , or if i cancel order manually, what to do now ?


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If he has not responding and still he gets the work done then you can write this in his order's reviews . It is a seller responsibility to reply to every query of a buyer .

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you can cancel job and money back..
or wait..
It is a seller responsibility to reply to every query of a buyer .
or ou can now seller mail by his profile...
the best way on that situatiuon is yto cancel job..

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I would choose this mutual cancelation too, because this is the best way to keep him as a client... He could be ill or on a holiday, so it's normal! Just wait and cancel it 1 hour before your deadline! ;)

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Try everything with the buyer first.. If it's not going to way it is supposed to ask and admin for help.. It's quite easy actually just get the order number and let admins to help you after that what to do if worker dont reply ?

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I think you should message the buyer about it. If he does not reply to you then cancel the order or deliver it and mark it as complete I think you will be marked completed after 5 days from the time you deliver your work.

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You should cancel request to the worker If they do not accept your cancel request. You can contact to costumer support and they will return money from the sheller.  by this return money you can not withdraw only you can buy other service.

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