
what are the most profitable services?

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what are the most profitable services?

Most profitable services of all are social media marketing ..if you go to the want section you will see that most of buyer request are based on the social media marketing site.and the other profitable service is graphic design and website designing .here in SEO clerks i have earned more money than the famous five dollar site from social media marketing and graphic designing


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Hi there,
As SEOClerks is the largest SEO marketplace in the world, SEO related services are the most selling ones. And also usually the ones that are most profitable. Social media services as you mentioned are also another top-seller but SEO services are still being sold the most. On the WTB (Want-to-buy section) there are likely to be more social media requests but that's also because many of the top sellers on SEOClerks features their services, which basically means that their services are listed on the first page, during 31 days, and that they get tons of visitors and clicks each day. By featuring their services, they ultimately ends up with more sales too.

Best Regards,

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