
New change in description limits really hurts on SERVICE posts, do you agree?

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New change in description limits really hurts on SERVICE posts, do you agree?

Recent change in Service description limit hurts a lot of quick SERVICE posting and many are not posting SERVICE as they did earlier. Please post your opinion on this change.Earlier it was so easy to post SERVICE on the board. Now each SERVICE should have description a at least 100 words that make a tiring thing for micro job worker. A person who wants to make very quick offer really feels very difficult for him to elaborate things and he tends to leave the board very quick


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This was implemented so the buyer can get a full understanding as to what they are buying. You may have to type a little more now however it will pay off. Usually services which fully details how the service is done gets more orders than services that do not post exactly how the service is done. This was also implemented to help stop spam services.

Best Regards,

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hello friend, i like this new change. so we can describe our best service to buyer. buyer want to know about the service very clear before they decide to using our service. that's why, we need a great description to convince them. good descriptions will make seller look professional and expert on their niche.

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I agree with Everrt.
Creating services with short or incomplete is not at all good for buyers . writing a good long descreption with information like
  • what will you provide 
  • what are limitations

making services attractive will increase you sales too 
Regards .

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It has been done to avoid shortcut posting a services. Though it is not needed 100 words to describe a service, but it effective for both buyer and seller as there might have a opportunity to offer details. It reduced posting fake services also.

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