
Wise-Payment method - India

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Wise-Payment method - India

I have a personal account on WISE. Does anyone withdraw your revenues using WISE to your local bank account?

For example, staff will send withdrawal revenues to my WISE e-mail then can it be withdrawn to my local INR currency/local bank account?

Need your assistance! If possible kindly provide the steps towards guides and it will help others to know more and enjoy the freelancing.


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It goes by whatever Wise allows, not Seoclerks

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I understood! Thank you for your kind information regarding my above query/queries.

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Wise does not support Indian banks, you can create an account on Payoneer, create a virtual bank on Payoneer and link that bank account to Wise. After that you can withdraw from Wise to Payoneer, and then after the funds arrive in Payoneer, you can link your local bank to Payoneer and withdraw the funds directly to your local bank.

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I understood! Thank you for your kind consideration with steps; informing regarding my above queries like above-mentioned. I will try to opt your one of your opinion for sure.

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What is the advantage to doing it that way? Why not just use Payoneer and save the Wise fees? Just withdraw directly from SC to Payoneer and then to your bank account. Done. No need to use Wise at all.

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I think Payoneer had a fee, but has a minimum withdrawal of $20 (level 3+). In addition, charges an extra $2 fee for loading into my account. But I think WISE takes only fees for conversion charges, sometimes in a few minutes.

Thank you for your wonderful, beautiful information and for looking into kind consideration regarding my sub-queries as mentioned.

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