
What are the most important On Page SEO Eelements?

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What are the most important On Page SEO Eelements?

What are the most important On Page SEO Elements?


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ON-SITE SEO is much, much more than titles, meta tags and HTML elements.
On-site SEO means also:

* Your site's structure like categories, tags
* How you interlink your content
* Your site's navigation

You need to see a site "as a whole" and not only look at the HTML source and check your H1 and H2 tags and descriptions This is really important to know. Alone good, meaningful categories and tags can have MASSIVE ranking power.

I would actually say that those factors like navigation, categories PLUS your content will ultimately outweigh any shortcomings you might have in META tags and HTML code.

A well designed and structured site is almost half your rankings (i am serious), but as said it goes much, much deeper than a few HTML elements within your pages/posts.

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Pardon me for asking why you included the structure and navigation. Does that mean you are talking about the design of the website? I don’t think the design has something to do with the SEO of the website because what the search engine crawlers check are the contents and the tags or keywords but not the design since if the design is bad then it will always be bad for all the web pages.

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Title tag, meta tags, content, keywords, link flow...

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the unique articles and keyword density still the power of On Page SEO

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high quality content, internal linking, page speed, outbound link etc

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unique articles

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Content is still king What are the most important On Page SEO Eelements? Fresh, unique SEo articles are the best, in my opinion.

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<h1>to <h6> tags , title and Meta Description and internal links are most important elements of on page seo.
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Here are some of the on page SEO techniques
Keywords: use keywords on the domain, site title, site description, content title, content description, content body, image title, image description
Contents: original and unique contents
Design: easy to navigate, eye catching design
Internal linking: creating inbound links

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I think you need to have an easy loading site it should be a light page to load quickly. The most important think to up your rank is you must always have good content and it should be posted regularly.

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What I understand with on-page SEO elements are the keywords and the content. The keywords are taken by the search engine when there is a search for the said keyword. The content is the first consideration of the search engine when evaluating the links for the search list. Just those 2 elements will do wonders for the ranking of your website. And if you will upload good contents regularly then the ranking of your website should be increased or maintained a high position.

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