
I am ripped of???

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I am ripped of???

Hello, I was ripped of...I bought traffic, the seller adsformarketing sent a page where I can see, but my amazon account has 0 clicks..I asked amazon associates.. I got this answerWhy do you believe zeep and not Amazon? Like I said, you've been ripped off. Don't buy traffic. It doesn't work.

(5 of 5) Replied to:
May-25 1:31 PM Posts:19622 To put it another way: Those "clicks" that zeep is reporting to you may not
even be real. They could be creating a fake report to show you. Easily
done.Even if they were real clicks, they will not lead to ORDERS, because they either were generated by bots or by people who
don't want to buy anything. Why aren't they showing up on your report?
Maybe Amazon knows they are fake and filters them out.In any case, buying traffic is useless. Don't do it.

what do I believe? amazon or seller
sorry for my bad english


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seller is adsformarketing
my amazon shows 0click....
in the amazon forum they say that I was riped off...what should I believe about amazon or seller?

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Next time you should BUY CLICKS. Providing traffic doesn't guaranty clicks or sales

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Seller wrotes that I will get 200,000 amazon shows 0
where is my 200 000 visitors?

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first you said CLICKS, now it's visitors.... It's not the same!!!

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I pay for 200 000 visitors...
my amazon page shows 0

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If you are buying traffic to an Amazon page expecting anything, then you are very, very new to affiliate marketing. Amazon will NOT count that traffic!! Either buy PPC ads (clicks), OR create a landing page to use with the paid traffic. Direct traffic to an affiliate link will not work.

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thankz... i will know... i pay for 200 000 visitors.... i gave my amazon link
and amazon dont count any visitors? but amazon says i got scammed? what believe? do i seller or amazon?

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that apart there are traffic sellers here in seoclerk which plainly cheat. Their traffic is only counted on their traffic link, Their own most likely or some they have control over.

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