
how to sell software on seoclerks?

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how to sell software on seoclerks?

how to sell software on seoclerks? I do not want to upload it here.just want to upload it after receive order. Is this possible?


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You can create your sale page and list your software for sale in software category very similar as you setting up services for sale in marketplace. It's not compulsory that you upload your software here. You can keep it anywhere then after sale provide your customer with download link in your sales conversation page. Difference is, if it's not uploaded here at seoclerks, it wont be marked as "instant download" but it doesn't mean anything bad too. if you have low response time, customers will still trust you as it will look like you deliver your services fast. So just go for it.

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I want to know the complete procedure to sell the software through Seoclerk.

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