
Can Meta tags such as the keyword tag bring High Rankings to my site?

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Can Meta tags such as the keyword tag bring High Rankings to my site?

Can Meta tags such as the keyword tag bring High Rankings to my site?


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If you had to give up one meta tag, the meta keyword tag would be the one to give up.

Now that we've covered the all-important title tag and meta description tag, it's time to move on to the very misunderstood and abused meta tag, the meta keyword tag.

Everyone knows that to obtain high search engine rankings all you have to do is put the keywords that you want to rank high with into your meta tags, right? Not even close! If it were that simple, I'd certainly be out of work. How many of you reading this column have obsessed over meta tags such as the keyword tag? How many of you have tried putting every relevant keyword you could think of into this meta tag, only to have your site continue to be nearly invisible in the search engines? How many of you couldn't decide if you should put commas between the keywords? Spaces? No commas? ALL CAPS? Plurals?

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