
Fraudulent buyers - How to detect them ?

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Fraudulent buyers - How to detect them ?

Few of the orders i got were canceled by admins because they say that the buyers were fraudulent , but i have already spent alot of money on their services and the order was complete , i was just about to deliver it to them ..... now whose going to refund that money to me ????  Seoclerks or the respective buyers - well i dont expect seocelrks to pay me cos they have no hand in this ...... and how can buyers pay me because i have not delivered order to them so they are also not bound to pay me ...... so who is responsible ????

I have got a bunch of few other buyers of same gig too and i am afraid that someday admins will mark that too as canceled so i am not delivering their work too .....

I have already spent around $400 - $500 for their order .... now what to do ????

$400 - $500 is a very big amount for me which is used for 2-4 months of complete family maintenance for us ...... what to do now ????

I have even filed a complaint with admins two days back but i think they are busy with some other site activities so were not able to respond ...... anyone knows what to do now ????

And in future how can i sense that a particular buyer is fraudulent or not cos i cannot lodge a complain with jordan everytime i get an order to ask him if the buyer is genuine or not ............

I am so desperate ..... it seems so bad ...... everything seems unreal Fraudulent buyers - How to detect them ?


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We just enabled a new Fraud Detection platform which will work on Paypal, Payza, and Credit Cards. If a user is detected, their order will be canceled before work begins.

We've also been disabling any services which promote fraudulent activity such as Prepaid Cards, Payment exchanges (Paypal to Payza) and Vouchers as fraudsters want these services to withdraw stolen money quickly.

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i think the board should establish a mechanism to detect fraud.

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all transactions is taking hand by system..
so, only system will be solve this problem, to filter ny users whom join at this forum..

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You can contact the support regarding this.They will help you out...

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If you ask support team they will send you the list

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