
Is there any tool to check google sandbox or penalty by google?

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Is there any tool to check google sandbox or penalty by google?

Hi friends any body have idea about Google sandbox checking tool, if a site is sandbox or penalized can we analyze this condition?



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Well i think you can look it here

If your website is added there you can check all information ...

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In google webmaster tool how we can check the site is send boxed or penalized.

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Well i think if you loge in and on the main page there is in right site message
No new messages or recent critical issues.

I think there should pop up something if google have been sandboxed you? i am not be right but maybe..

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SEO is incredibly important to the success of the online marketing efforts. Because of this, a lot of marketers implement various SEO tools including local SEO tools, some of which can be found for free, in order to track, measure and analyze their SEO efforts. You may already even be using some of the more common SEO tools, such as Google Analytics.

Actually i menage some sites like Plombier that some times i see that the site begin to rank well and sudenly not, may be i need to have a tool that i can disavow bad back links, someone can advice me for a free tool to desinfect the site . thanks the site that i talked about is

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I guess we are talking about a myth here as proof of what the above comment said that sandbox is not true. That’s also what I know that there are just some people who are spreading lies to make us confused. In the first place Google is a search engine that functions for the users to provide the information they are looking for. What is the role of the search engine to penalize a site? What is its authority?

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