
What are some ways on how to do Mobile SEO?

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What are some ways on how to do Mobile SEO?

What are some ways on how to do Mobile SEO? Is it the same as other types of websites? Or do we need to do something different?


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4 Ways Mobile Impacts SEO:

1. Page Speed Plays a Role
2. Size Matters
3. Local Results Tend to do Better
4. Social Media Drives More Traffic

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For a website to be responsive, there will be a change in the design and probably some other elements like plug ins. But the most important for me when it comes to mobile design is the complete presentation of the web page. I have seen so many websites with their mobile version that is very inconvenient. Anyway, for the SEO, I guess it is the same as the computer version which would include the keyword tagging when uploading new contents.

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