
How many services can SEOClerks level 1 seller give?

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How many services can SEOClerks level 1 seller give?

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How many gigs can SEOClerks level 1 seller give?


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Hello uzzal10x
Hope you are fine .you have asked a question "How many gigs can SEOClerks level 1 seller give? "
As a level 1 seller you will Can create services up to $125. If you creat only 1$ service you can create 125 gigs. If you creat only 5$ service you can publish 25 gigs. Gig number is depending on your $(dollar) amount .
I think it is helpful to you.

Best wishes

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Thanks for your information. I know something new form your comment.

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Thank You, Ratna helpful informations

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May be 5. But it can be change also.
But also see this link:
Maximum you can make 125$ for per service order value.

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you can submit 7 service under SEO Clerk.

thanking you.

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how can submit 7 service under SEO Clerk

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