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If you're reading this, you've likely looked for a job or two online, and now you're wondering why things didn't go according to plan. Well, don't knock yourself down, plenty of people run into job-related scams from time to time, and it doesn't matter if you're on a reputed site which claims to be the best.
There are scams out there, everywhere actually, and you could be falling for one soon and not even know it, and that's why I'm writing this discussion. I recently started looking for some additional freelance work, so I decided to hit some job boards to see what I could apply for. Well, I quickly noticed a few signs of scammy looking job listings, but I'm sure plenty of people fell for them. After reporting the jobs as suspicious, I started thinking, "I wonder if other people know the warning signs of a fake job posting?" and this discussion idea was born!
Be careful when on legitimate job sites
Like I mentioned above, even the bigger job sites have fake listings, and you could be falling for them! I ran through a couple of these boards and found a handful of listings that didn't seem right. I decided to write down the tell-tale signs of what makes a fake listing stand out, and there are.
- You get asked for personal information almost immediately
If you do apply for a good job and someone asks for your name, email, SSN, address, etc. before hiring you... It's a fake job listing, and the person on the other end is trying to rob you of your identity. No employer will ever ask those questions unless you're already hired and filling out paperwork for the company. Also, the accountant will be asking these questions, not a hiring manager, which is another red flag!
- The email address from the "owner" doesn't seem right
If you're applying to a business and the person you're talking to has a Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or any other free email account then you should look somewhere else for a job. If the person you're talking to for a position at a legitimate company doesn't have a legitimate email with this business, it's likely a scam, and they're using the business's identity to drop your guard and create a false sense of security. Only work with people who are responding with the @BusinessName you're applying to.
- Emails and interactions are loaded with spelling and grammatical errors
If you're applying for a company down the street or within your country, and the person you're emailing back and forth has a lot of grammatical and spelling errors in their responses, chances are it's a fake job, and you're one step closer to being scammed.
No company is going to outsource the job hiring process to a country that can't speak the same language as you. Hell, they're not going to outsource it at all! Most hiring managers work for the company, have an office at the business, and talk to you from that office while you're online or on the phone lol.
- You are offered the position before doing any interview
If you apply for a position and they come back with "You're hired!" then it's likely fake. Sometimes these jobs are legitimate, and the company needs people desperately. Still, those jobs are highly stressful and unorganized, which results in high employee turnover rates, and you will want to quit before you get your first paycheck lol.
Just remember, if they don't want to interview you for a position, it's likely fake or not a good job at all, so avoid it!
- The salary or hourly pay is far too high for what you'd be doing
I was browsing a popular platform called angel.co and was looking through a lot of companies looking to hire content writers. Most of the positions were normally priced, but some of them were far from normal, like in the $100,000+ range for content writing, and I applied!
I applied because I was sure it was going to come back as a scammy website trying to entice people to submit all their information, pay to get accepted, or they would suck, and I'd move on lol. I also applied in case the company didn't know what to pay and was going to hand over a truckload of cash for simple content added to their blog lmao Well, it turns out that I was right and most of the sites weren't paying people 100k USD a year, but they were paying 100k in another currency that equaled around $10,000 per year :'(
Search for jobs on Google (yeah, it works)
Like I mentioned above, I was browsing through all the major job sites and trying to find the best positions for me. Well, I decided to do a basic Google search for "Content writer Chicago" and started to stumble upon Google Jobs.