
How many Services can offer in Level 2

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How many Services can offer in Level 2

Right now i am on Level 1 and going to be Level 2 with in few days. I need to know how many services in can make when i become Level 2 as you know that Level 1 limits are 10 services.


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Hey graphicspromo,

I'm actually unaware of a limit for level 2 members. I know that level 1 members are limited in order to keep new accounts from spamming the platform with a bunch of services that are pretty much the same thing, but I don't know if that still applies with level 2 accounts since you've done plenty of work to get promoted.

You might be better off submitting a ticket to the support desk here:

They would be able to give you a better answer than I could since I haven't been level 2 for a while now. The rules could have changed since I leveled up, which is why you should open a support ticket, and I wish I could have helped you more How many Services can offer in Level 2

- Tommy

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