
1000 visits and time spent is 1 minute. are these really visits or fake ones.

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1000 visits and time spent is 1 minute. are these really visits or fake ones.

hello i use seo clerk services to get traffic and backlinks building but in my web statistic shows that there are many visits to my website but time spent by visitors is very short. example 1200 visits and time spent by visitors is 1 minute. 
This means a visitor spend less than a second to visit a site, ..
Can someone help me with this?


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I am Not an SEO Services Seller, But As I Know They are Using
1. Application That Track How Much VIsitor, Then Promote it in their Social Media, Then After hits some visitor Its Disabled
2. They Place your Link in a Sites That Prove Money Per Minute View. So Your Website May be seen just a few minutes.
3. Short Time SEO

Its That I Know. Maybe they Using Other ways, Who Knows.
I Hope That Helped, I am Selling Video Services not SEO, So I do not very knowledgeable about that.

Thank You
- Rehiga

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hello Rehiga, thanks alot for your contribution.

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