
Congrats, someone bought a service from you! SEOClerks

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Congrats, someone bought a service from you! SEOClerks

 Congratulations! Someone has purchased service.

We are waiting on the buyer to finalize the order and until then you will not be able to see it in your seller control panel, but we thought you might like to know that you'll have a job soon. Once it does appear, you'll be able to administer. Above the message. What does means. 
where i will delivery the job. I can not see the seller control panel and who payment money. So help me.  


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I think you still need to exercise patience as there would be a second notification to you once the payment is made, you should know the drill by now, the first email to let you know someone already showed interest to pay and the second payment is when the person responds to your instruction and its confirmed that the payment is successful and waiting for your own response to get the job started by responding back. Wish you best of luck!

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If you've just gotten an order and haven't been able to see anything yet, it likely means the buyer has yet to submit their details to begin the process.

Once the buyer submits their information you will be able to do the SEO, write the content, design their logo, or whatever it is they purchased from you Congrats, someone bought a service from you! SEOClerks

A bit of patience is key here and you don't want to go spamming the buyer. They can't complain that their service hasn't been completed yet if they haven't submitted the proper details for you to ever start. If they haven't submitted the work details after a week I would recommend sending them a PM/DM and remind them that the service still hasn't started and needs their input to continue.

A lot of sellers who purchase often tend to miss one or two orders like this, so don't worry, just be patient and everything should work itself out Congrats, someone bought a service from you! SEOClerks

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Thank you dynamicjoseph

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you will be able to see it once the seller has responded to the instructions needed.

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I had the same experience not too long ago. You need to be patient. Probably the buyer has not gotten all the attachments or (information) together yet. But just ordered in order to be committed to the buying.

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